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Board of Selectmen Agenda 08/01/2011
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Size: 204K
Last Updated: 2011/7/29
Agenda- Monday, August 1st, 2011
Town Hall – 6 PM
  • Call to Order
  • Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A: 3 II (c) Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person.
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Agenda Review
  • Citizen’s Forum ~ at the discretion of the Chairman
  • Appointments or Public Hearings
  •         Linda Hotchkiss, Rochester Visiting Nurses Association
  • Department, Board, Commission, Committee
  •         Recreation Department
  • Event permit for “Celebrate New Durham Day!”
  • Fire Department
  •         Transfer Snow Machine from FD to PD
  • Police Department
  •         Police Cruisers 03/11 Transfer Work Purchase Order
  • Road Agent
  • Highway Bids – Review and possible awarding of bids
  •         Excavator Rental Purchase Order
  •         Transfer Station
  • Scales
  • Compactor Repair Bids
  • Old Business
  • Inter-Municipal Agreement for Lakes Region Cable Television Consortium
Per RSA 53-A
  • Special Counsel Representation Agreement for Lakes Region Cable Television Consortium  Letter of Agreement for Historic Preservation Consultant
        Letter of Agreement for Historic Preservation Consultant

  • New Business
  •         Comstar Electronic Enrollment Authorization
  •         Introductory discussion on budget preparations
  • Non-Public Session under 91-A: 3 II
(a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee
(b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.

  • Schedule Next Meeting
  •         Monday, August 15, 2011 at 1PM
  •         Joint Budget Committee Meeting
  •         Work session – Hiring Policy Review of Revisions
        Work Session – Dog Ordinance
        Work Session – Purchase Policy

  • Approval of Minutes  
  •         Friday, June 17, 2011
  •         Monday, June 20, 2011- public and nonpublic
  •         Friday, July 15, 2011- public and nonpublic
  • Any Other Business
  • Celebrate New Durham Day! Luau themed- Saturday, August 6th- Road Race at 8am, Ball fields at 5pm
  • Non-Public under 91-A: 3 II
(a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee
(c) Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person.
(d) Consideration of the acquisition, sale, or lease of real or personal property which, if discussed in public, would likely benefit a party or parties whose interests are adverse to those of the general community.

  • Adjournment